Friday, July 31, 2009


I work for a training firm. What we do is assist employees, usually federal ones, in developing skills, both for the job and --- often -- skills that are useful in other ways.

Over the last year my responsibilities have grown tremendously.

In May, I taught my first course, a 3-day with 5 participants. In June, I taught a 5-day course with neither backup nor a safety net. There were 18 people in the course. In July, I created the majority of a new course. It was a major rewrite of some curriculum, and I won most of the fights I was really interested in. Two weeks ago, my boss put me on call while he was teaching a class in case he needed to attend to family matters.

In August, I'm teaching 2 courses. There is one work day between the two. This will be a total of four classes taught this summer.

Last summer, working for the same company, I wrote some exercises and took a course from another division of our company.

This is a fairly sizable difference in responsibilities. I've become a trusted member of the workforce, and am directly interacting with our clients and representing the company.

If that's what a year has done, I wonder what another year will do?

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